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Information about the award

The Internationalisation Award of the President of the Republic is a recognition granted each year to Finnish companies that have gained international success, and to the communities behind them. Since 2015, the proposal on companies and communities to be recognized has been made by the Board of Directors of Team Finland.

Team Finland collects proposals on companies and communities deserving of the award and evaluates them during the autumn. Team Finland's Board of Directors then presents its proposal on award-winners to the President of the Republic. The award is granted by the President of the Republic. 

2024 awards

Unikie Oy

Newcomer 2024: Unikie

Konecranes Plc.

Growth Company 2024: Konecranes Plc.


Long-term International Investor 2024: ABB

Forest Joensuu
Community Award 2024: Forest Joensuu

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Award granted already since 1967